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Join the IDCN program as a spouse or partner!

Welcome to the Oslo region! We are excited you are here, and now - let's get you a job!

IDCN Job network for international expats, spouses and partners

Photo: Alex Asensi/Osloregionen

Join our curated spouse program where you, as a partner of someone who started a job in Norway, is welcome to network, learn specific tools and tricks about the Norwegian job market. Through events, volunteering and meeting companies, we believe you will have a better chance at getting a relevant job and as a bonus - friends and contacts who will support you in your career.

What is International Dual Career Network?

We want you to get a career in Norway and thrive here! Join our events where the focus is getting to know the Norwegian job market, speed-interview with companies and learn the ins and out of applying for jobs in here.

We want you to learn more about the opportunities in your region, but since we collaborate across the Oslo region, you will also get access to other job opportunities in the region.

Join our events, planned by the international volunteers, where the topics can range from sector-specific insights, to for example how to best network in Norway. If it's a physical event, there will be sufficient time for mingling, and we will aim to have speed-interviews set up at each event where you can be matched towards employers.

Our goal is to get you a relevant job!

How can you join?

If you partner/spouse's company is a member, you can join all the events and activities, just by registering here. If the company is not a member, you can join one-two times to see if this is something for you, and we can help convince the company about the benefits of joining.

When you register as a spouse, you will get invitations to events, but also feel free to reach out to us here to learn more: info@osloregionen.no

Who is this program for?

The program is for those who are non-Norwegian, and is the partner, spouse, boyfriend or girlfriend (or whatever label you identify with) of someone who works for a member company.
It doesn't matter when you moved to Norway, but it is more geared towards those who have not yet been working in Norway and don't have a (relevant) job yet. Please contact us if you are uncertain if you should join or not!

Where will the network be hosted?

In the beginning, we are focusing on spouses in the Søndre Viken area (Sarpsborg, Halden, Fredrikstad area), Lillestrøm and Kongsberg. Many of the events will be locally focused, but we will also offer regional and digital events to encourage networking across the Oslo region.

Why should you join?

We know that you are very highly qualified for a job, but employers don't seem to understand that! It could be just that your resume needs a bit of tweaking to fit Norwegian companies' standards, or that you need tips on where you can find job postings in general. Our aim is that you get the network, the tools, to know-how and the support you need to get that job you want, right here in the Oslo region.

Ready to be a volunteer?

This network isn't anything without it's volunteers. If you want to build your professional network, while helping yourself and other to find relevant jobs, join as a volunteer today!

09 A0487 Photo by Alex Asensi

Photo: Alex Asensi/Osloregionen

Through the network you will get to know companies, recruiters and HR-managers, but also other internationals who also want to find a job.

Join IDCN and build both a professional and personal network!

Who is behind the International Dual Career Network?

IDCN is a global Non-Profit Association of companies, NGOs, and academic institutions in different locations, based out of Switzerland. It is an association of multinational and local organizations that aim to support the professional integration of employee partners and spouses by hosting a variety of professional and social networking events, both locally and globally.


By leveraging the talent available through dual-career partners and spouses, the IDCN emphasizes the importance of fulfilling organizational responsibilities towards inclusion, diversity, corporate social responsibility, environmental, social, and governance (ESG) standards, as well as sustainability initiatives.


In the Oslo region, Oslo Region Alliance and Umbrella have taken the initiative to start up IDCN Oslo Region. The project was awarded funding by Viken Fylkeskommune, and is partnering with Lillestrøm municipality, Kongsberg Business Association and Halden Business Association.
First events will be in 2024.